Thursday, September 24, 2009

I have laughed at galaxies

it is raining.
i am eating toasted sandwiches, filled with melty cheese and tomato relish.
i am going to have a coffee very soon.
and then i'm going to sit in the library.

i don't know about you, but this is pretty much my blissful day. (if only i didn't have to go out tonight. le sigh. why am i so socially gracious? all i really want to do is put my slippers on and knit!)

no photos today, dismal light lately what with the rain and such, but when it clears up for long enough, i am going to show you pretty pictures of my new flat, which i think you will enjoy!
i hope everyone is having a less stressful week than i have, and a more productive one too.


  1. Two phrases made me burst out laughing in this post; "le sigh" and "why am I so socially gracious?". Why am I not more socially gracious I ask myself.

  2. eh! and you have reminded me that i haven't kept this blog up-to-date. erk. or taken photos of my no-longer-really-new-(and-could-use-a-vacuum) flat.
    don't be socially gracious! it involves not wearing slippers! it's not worth it! :P
